Items filtered by date: November 2021
The Three Types of Sesamoid Injuries
The sesamoids are two small, pea-shaped bones located just beneath the base of the big toe. These bones are responsible for helping the big toe move normally and provide leverage when the big toe pushes off while walking or running. The sesamoid bones can become injured from excess pressure on the balls of the foot. There are three main types of sesamoid injuries. Turf toe occurs when the soft tissue surrounding the big toe joint is injured and causes immediate sharp pain and swelling. A fracture occurs when a sesamoid bone breaks. Sesamoiditis occurs when the sesamoid bones and surrounding tendons become inflamed. If you are experiencing foot pain, it is strongly suggested that you seek the care of a podiatrist.
Sesamoiditis is an unpleasant foot condition characterized by pain in the balls of the feet. If you think you’re struggling with sesamoiditis, contact Edward S. Pozarny DPM of Arlington Podiatry Center. Our doctor will treat your condition thoroughly and effectively.
Sesamoiditis is a condition of the foot that affects the ball of the foot. It is more common in younger people than it is in older people. It can also occur with people who have begun a new exercise program, since their bodies are adjusting to the new physical regimen. Pain may also be caused by the inflammation of tendons surrounding the bones. It is important to seek treatment in its early stages because if you ignore the pain, this condition can lead to more serious problems such as severe irritation and bone fractures.
Causes of Sesamoiditis
- Sudden increase in activity
- Increase in physically strenuous movement without a proper warm up or build up
- Foot structure: those who have smaller, bonier feet or those with a high arch may be more susceptible
Treatment for sesamoiditis is non-invasive and simple. Doctors may recommend a strict rest period where the patient forgoes most physical activity. This will help give the patient time to heal their feet through limited activity. For serious cases, it is best to speak with your doctor to determine a treatment option that will help your specific needs.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Arlington, VA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.
How to Care For an Ankle Sprain After Leaving the Doctor’s Office
If you have sprained your ankle it is very important to seek the care of a podiatrist who can diagnose and treat your injury. But treatment does not begin and end at the doctor’s office. There are many things that you may need to do at home to ensure that your ankle heals properly. You should try to keep weight off of your injured ankle by keeping it elevated by propping it up on a pillow in order to reduce swelling. Put ice on your injured ankle periodically for three days following your injury to control swelling. Take any pain medications and wear splints, braces, or other orthotics as prescribed. For more information about caring for a sprained ankle, please consult with your podiatrist.
Ankle sprains are common but need immediate attention. If you need your feet checked, contact Edward S. Pozarny DPM from Arlington Podiatry Center. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.
How Does an Ankle Sprain Occur?
Ankle sprains take place when the ligaments in your ankle are torn or stretched beyond their limits. There are multiple ways that the ankle can become injured, including twisting or rolling over onto your ankle, putting undue stress on it, or causing trauma to the ankle itself.
What Are the Symptoms?
- Mild to moderate bruising
- Limited mobility
- Swelling
- Discoloration of the skin (depending on severity)
Preventing a Sprain
- Wearing appropriate shoes for the occasion
- Stretching before exercises and sports
- Knowing your limits
Treatment of a Sprain
Treatment of a sprain depends on the severity. Many times, people are told to rest and remain off their feet completely, while others are given an air cast. If the sprain is very severe, surgery may be required.
If you have suffered an ankle sprain previously, you may want to consider additional support such as a brace and regular exercises to strengthen the ankle.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Arlington, VA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.
Do You Suffer From Painful Feet?
Painful deformities, such as hammertoes, can be treated. Stop living with foot pain, and have beautiful feet again!
What to Do After a Stress Fracture
The long metatarsal bones of the foot connect the ankle to the toes. Excessive running, jumping, dancing, or other repetitive activities can cause hairline fractures in these bones, causing a condition known as a stress fracture. This is different from an acute break, caused by a fall or other sudden or traumatic injury. Stress fractures can also be the result of osteoporosis, or thinning of bones, arthritis, or nerve damage due to diabetes. Some ways to ease the pain include resting the foot, keeping it elevated, using a walker or crutches, and taking over-the-counter pain medication. You can return to normal activities when pain is no longer present. However, stress fractures can last from four to six weeks. If pain worsens or persists, please consult a podiatrist for further treatment.
Stress fractures occur when there is a tiny crack within a bone. To learn more, contact Edward S. Pozarny DPM from Arlington Podiatry Center. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain free and on your feet.
How Are They Caused?
Stress fractures are the result of repetitive force being placed on the bone. Since the lower leg and feet often carry most of the body’s weight, stress fractures are likely to occur in these areas. If you rush into a new exercise, you are more likely to develop a stress fracture since you are starting too much, too soon. Pain resulting from stress fractures may go unnoticed at first, however it may start to worsen over time.
Risk Factors
- Gender – They are more commonly found in women compared to men.
- Foot Problems – People with unusual arches in their feet are more likely to develop stress fractures.
- Certain Sports – Dancers, gymnasts, tennis players, runners, and basketball players are more likely to develop stress fractures.
- Lack of Nutrients – A lack of vitamin D and calcium may weaken the bones and make you more prone to stress fractures
- Weak Bones – Osteoporosis can weaken the bones therefore resulting in stress fractures
Stress fractures do not always heal properly, so it is important that you seek help from a podiatrist if you suspect you may have one. Ignoring your stress fracture may cause it to worsen, and you may develop chronic pain as well as additional fractures.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Arlington, VA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.
How Are Corns Removed?
Corns are small, hardened bumps of skin that can grow on the feet due to friction. Even though they are small, corns can be tender and painful enough to interfere with daily activities. In addition to more conservative treatments like resting the affected foot and wearing wider, more comfortable shoes, various other treatment methods can be used to help get rid of a corn. Corns can be chemically removed using salicylic acid to pare down dead, thickened skin before it is trimmed off. More stubborn corns can also be removed with a scalpel by your podiatrist. If you have painful corns, it is suggested that you seek the care of a podiatrist near you.
Corns can make walking very painful and should be treated immediately. If you have questions regarding your feet and ankles, contact Edward S. Pozarny DPM of Arlington Podiatry Center. Our doctor will treat your foot and ankle needs.
Corns: What Are They? And How Do You Get Rid of Them?
Corns are thickened areas on the skin that can become painful. They are caused by excessive pressure and friction on the skin. Corns press into the deeper layers of the skin and are usually round in shape.
Ways to Prevent Corns
There are many ways to get rid of painful corns such as:
- Wearing properly fitting shoes that have been measured by a professional
- Wearing shoes that are not sharply pointed or have high heels
- Wearing only shoes that offer support
Treating Corns
Although most corns slowly disappear when the friction or pressure stops, this isn’t always the case. Consult with your podiatrist to determine the best treatment option for your case of corns.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Arlington, VA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.
Ways to Avoid Falling at Home
Falling is one of the leading causes of injury among those older than 65. In fact, one out of every 4 seniors will fall each year. Thankfully, there are plenty of simple things that can be done in order to prevent falls in the home. One step that can be done is to keep the floors at home clutter-free in order to avoid tripping. Installing grab bars in the bathrooms and handrails around staircases can help provide stability and prevent falls. One of the most important things that can be done to avoid falling is to consult with a podiatrist about any falls that you may have experienced, or for more professional advice on fall prevention. A podiatrist will be able to help check your feet and give advice on proper footwear that should be worn as well as review any medications that may make you dizzy or lead to instability.
Preventing falls among the elderly is very important. If you are older and have fallen or fear that you are prone to falling, consult with Edward S. Pozarny DPM from Arlington Podiatry Center. Our doctor will assess your condition and provide you with quality advice and care.
Every 11 seconds, an elderly American is being treated in an emergency room for a fall related injury. Falls are the leading cause of head and hip injuries for those 65 and older. Due to decreases in strength, balance, senses, and lack of awareness, elderly persons are very susceptible to falling. Thankfully, there are a number of things older persons can do to prevent falls.
How to Prevent Falls
Some effective methods that older persons can do to prevent falls include:
- Enrolling in strength and balance exercise program to increase balance and strength
- Periodically having your sight and hearing checked
- Discuss any medications you have with a doctor to see if it increases the risk of falling
- Clearing the house of falling hazards and installing devices like grab bars and railings
- Utilizing a walker or cane
- Wearing shoes that provide good support and cushioning
- Talking to family members about falling and increasing awareness
Falling can be a traumatic and embarrassing experience for elderly persons; this can make them less willing to leave the house, and less willing to talk to someone about their fears of falling. Doing such things, however, will increase the likelihood of tripping or losing one’s balance. Knowing the causes of falling and how to prevent them is the best way to mitigate the risk of serious injury.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Arlington, VA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.